Buyers want to know about the journey an artist is on. -John Ferrie


About me…

Hey, y’all. I’m Katie.

I have always loved art, color, and design, but other things took precedence after high school art class ended. I spent many years in school going after left-brain pursuits.

In 2019, my best friend of over 30 years, also named Katie, died of a brain tumor. She was 38 and had immense gifts that she didn’t get to finish bestowing on the world. As soon as she died, I felt an overwhelming urge to begin painting. She painted for fun, and I think she gifted me with that artistic urge. She knew I would need it to help me move forward when she was gone. I started learning about oil painting, and I’ve been exploring it ever since. It’s my mourning and my joy, a gift from her.

Life is short. Do the things you love.

The art one chooses to collect becomes a self-portrait. -Dennis Heckler